Terms of Service
All art posted on this website belongs to and was made by Kayson Avery Spinazzola. Reposting or using any of their work anywhere without explicit written permission is prohibited. When one commissions work, they are allowed to display it as they please (upon but not before complete payment) but may not edit the work in any way besides cropping or resizing for display purposes. Commissioned work must be clearly credited to Spinazzola at all times. Spinazzola retains the rights to all work, commissioned or otherwise, at all times, and retains the right to display any of their work on their website or on social media. The editing, recreation, or sale of artwork, commissioned or otherwise, created by and/or owned by Spinazzola artwork (or items with Spinazzola’s artwork printed on or in it) is not permitted without explicit written permission and payment. Commissioners immediately owe 100% of the final sale price upon approving a proposed sketch, or 50% upon the third client requested sketch revision. Spinazzola is not obligated to and will not move forward with any commission that has met the above parameters before receiving full payment. Any major revision that would involve re-performing labor after lines and flat colors have been approved will require additional payment; an additional 50% of the original sale price. Minor revisions prior to client approval of lines and flat color are permitted, but upon exceeding five of these client-requested revisions (defined as anything involving re-performing labor or additional labor after the original sketch has been approved by the client) an additional payment of 50% of the original sale price will be required to complete the commission. (This fee will be charged each time to client requests an additional five revisions; paying this additional 50% fee once does not grant the client unlimited revisions.) Commissioners who decline to pay this additional fee will be considered a cancellation, and any previously collected payment for the canceled project will be considered forfeit as a cancellation fee and will not be refunded. Commissioners will allow Spinazzola two weeks (not including weekends or holidays) to complete all commissioned pieces. The above time period does not begin until all needed references and information, written or verbal client approval of initial sketches, and payment has been collected by Spinazzola. All of the above is always true unless Spinazzola and the client write and agree upon a separate contract. Those who commission Spinazzola agree to all the above terms.